Unlocking Joy™

Sir Brent J. Freeman is a Keynote Speaker on Unlocking Joy™ in your Personal & Professional Life

Sir Brent J. Freeman

Keynote Speaker

Custom keynotes on Unlocking Joy for companies and organizations to attract and retain the highest quality talent so they can achieve new financial heights.

Heart Centered Coach

1:1 coaching for Executives, Entrepreneurs and Influencers who are looking to create evergreen joy in their lives, organizations and families. High impact, high results.

It’s time to unlock true joy in all aspects of your life.

Life is sweetened by unlocking joy. It’s time to invest in it.


What does J.O.Y. stand for anyways?

Journey Overcoming Yourself

It’s time to embark on the most profound exploration you can undertake—the voyage within.

This journey is not about traversing distant lands or scaling the highest peaks; it's about navigating the intricate landscapes of your own being. It calls upon you to challenge the invisible barriers you've built around your potential, the silent whispers of doubt that have too often steered your decisions. This acronym isn't just a motto; it's a transformative process. It beckons you to confront and conquer your deepest fears and limiting beliefs, revealing that the most formidable obstacles are often those we place before ourselves. As you embark on this journey of self-overcoming, you uncover layers of strength, resilience, and capability previously unimagined. The joy found in this journey of self-discovery isn't just in reaching the destination but in realizing that with each step, you are becoming more authentically you—unveiling the vastness of your own potential. It's a path that demands courage, introspection, and relentless pursuit of self-mastery. Yet, the reward is unparalleled: a life lived in alignment with your truest self, brimming with joy that emanates from deep within. Your dream life awaits. It’s closer than you think…

Unlocking joy is all about daily investments into the things that light you up, from the inside out.

Sir Brent J. Freeman

Serial entrepreneur making the world a better place through business. Knighted by the former royal family of Italy, Casa di Savoia, at the age of 36, Sir (Cavaliere) Brent J Freeman has dedicated his life to combining philanthropy and business and has helped generate over $1B in revenue and $1B in M&A for his clients, all while positively impacting the world around him. Founder of 5+ direct to consumer social good brands and a multimillion dollar digital marketing agency with marquee clients like Hello Fresh, Home Chef, Factor_, MUD\WTR, Poo~Pourri, evite and hundreds more, Brent is now passionately focused on giving back and helping teach others how to rediscover their inner joy and live a life of true happiness and success. His mission is to help 1 Billion people rediscover joy in his lifetime…

Get in Touch

Want to learn more about Unlocking Joy for your organization or personal life? Contact Brent and his team here and we’ll be in touch to set up a discovery call together.